Sommaire :
La série Franklin U
La série Franklin U, vous connaissez ? Découvrez une série de 8 tomes, chacun consacré à un couple gay différent et écrit par une autrice différente. Des couples qui gravitent les uns autour des autres dans l’université Franklin et le bar Shenanigans de la ville fictive de San Luco en Californie. Vous pouvez retrouver la totalité des tomes par ici :
La version originale – Learning Curve

Cobey Green
There I was, moving into the dorms at Franklin U, and not into the shared party house I’d lived in my freshman year. Last year had been all about football and parties, not schoolwork. Which was why my grades tanked, and why I was one failed class away from being kicked off the team.
Why I needed to live on campus, and find myself a tutor.
Funny that my new roommate just happened to be a tutor. Funny that he was oblivious to how hot he is. For a smart guy, he was pretty clueless. Maybe I could tutor him in how to be more outgoing in exchange for help with calculus? I could teach him how to talk to people, how to make new friends. Hell, maybe I could even help him punch his V card.
Actually, now that I thought about it… that was a really good idea.
Vincent Brandt
And there I was, happy to be back at college, happy to be where I was most comfortable. Happy to be starting another school year, happy to start tutoring again so I could earn some money.
And yes, there I was, equal parts excited and dreading to see who my new roommate would be… Until Cobey Green’s smiling face appeared at the door. A huge football player, loved by everyone, gorgeous, rich, and out of the closet.
Everything I was not.
It didn’t help that he was genuinely a really nice guy. It didn’t help that I could make him laugh, and we could talk so easily, and it certainly didn’t help that we started having private tutorials which ended up way more private than I’d ever dared imagine.
I’d ranked top of my class in every subject since the first grade yet there I was falling stupidly in love with him.
This was going to be a hell of a year. And one very steep learning curve for both of us.
La version française
Ce roman n’est pas encore traduit en français.
Mon avis
★★★★★ 5/5
ENFIN ! Enfin un roman que j’ai du mal à lâcher dans cette série qui était jusqu’à présent un peu monotone. J’ai trouvé mon préféré (pour le moment) dans cette série de 8 tomes.
On a tous les ingrédients d’une romance qui fonctionne : deux personnages que tout opposent sur le papier mais qui fonctionnent à la perfection ensemble. Une relation fusionnelle, des dialogues naturels et drôles, ils sont tellement attachants ! Alors certes, on n’a pas de moment de drama et c’est très romantique mais de tous les couples de cette série, c’est le premier pour lequel je trouve une vraie alchimie.
Un peu de drama et ça aurait été parfait mais j’ai passé un excellent moment. J’oscillais entre 4,5 et 5/5 mais j’adore N.R. Walker donc je lui donne 5, surtout si on compare aux autres tomes de la série.
Cette lecture m’a d’ailleurs donné envie de me replonger dans sa série Spencer Cohen (et je crois que je vais succomber à la tentation).